Firstly - Merry Christmas to one and all! Christmas morning dawned nicely with a bit of cloud which burnt off quite quickly to reveal mostly blue skies. Brett was up early (why!?), Michael and I more leisurely. Talked with Sam in London - they were having a Christmas Eve poker night in the flat and plans for a big feast on Xmas Day. The Covid situation in the flat has settled, the two girls who had it are now okay, and everyone else tested negative. The vaccine situation sounds positive. Sam sounds quite positive (after sounding despondent a few days ago). And travel after April seems possible if the vaccine can take care of things as hoped and intended. Brexit - also sounds positive but, well, who knows - but I guess it's a big and sudden step forward after years of [not even sure what to call it!] Not complacency, not procrastination, not dragging feet, not daggers drawn, not indecision, not power games, not ... well perhaps it was all of those and more ...! Brett, Michael and I ...