Day 83, Level 1: Swim, busy beach, sun and Full Moon rising

I went for a swim today! My first for the season - and one of only a handful in life!

I'm really not a water babe and the temperature of both air and water has to be high for me to even contemplate it. Not often the case here.

Today, all things aligned - and in I went! Even the wind was just a gentle breeze. I think I might just be getting more enamoured with swimming in my old age - as long as that water is tepid!

The tide was quite far out which was a nuisance as it stays shallow for some time - but the water was as clear as a bell. A little chilly getting the top bits under but once I was fully immersed, I stayed in for ages!

The beach was the busiest I've seen it in a very long time. 

Here are some photos looking either way - and I'm being 100% serious when I say this is "busiest"! 

Looking north

Looking south

Watched The Green Mile - it's a very good film - touches on the best and the worst in people with a bit of come-uppance thrown in. A film that is both harrowing and satisfying.  

Full Moon ...

The last Full Moon for 2020 - the wind was light for the first time in days, actually weeks, and once the Full Moon rose into the sky, there wasn't a breath of wind at all. As still and calm as can be.

The sun in the sky ...

Full Moon rising (9:15pm)


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