Day 86, Level 1: Another post! Rain! And crawdads!

Ok so I have done another post (it's become a habit, and habits are hard to break!)

But do check back about my next blog ... it's coming

Oh how it rained today. On and off, all day long. Heavy rain. 

The day was a mix of sunshine and rain - often in huge deluges that hit the deck like the wrath of the gods. The tanks and plants loved every drop of it!

And then - by evening - blissful sunlight with golden hued clouds. 

And thus is the weather these days ...

It blows away the cobwebs and rubbish ...!


"Where the Crawdads Sing" ...

Now here's a book worth reading. I don't read a lot these days, mostly write. 
But a friend lent me this - and it was right up my alley. 
Different, refreshing, and with a fabulous sting in its tail. 
A story about humanity and nature that touches on just about everything life offers. 
Gentleness meets resilience. Innocence meets revenge. Oh it's a good story. 

I am so looking forward to the movie ... I'll be first in line!


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