Day 76, Level 1: Indi goes on Holiday, lamb chops, and The Crown
Finished off a bit of work and then packed up Indi the cat into her travel cat cage - thankfully she hadn't gone AWOL - she's getting older (now 10yo) and sleeps much of the time, which was a good thing as that's what she was up to when I disturbed her to put her into the cat cage. She never likes being handled too much, but she goes into her cage without drama or fighting. I tell her "we're going on holiday" - the word holiday is said "holleeday", in a high-pitched cat-voice(!) - which I think she knows by now (I've been saying it for 10 years!) I hope she finds it soothing and exciting!
She meows a few times along the way but settles in on her fleecy sheet, quietens down and waits out the journey. Today she was quite tired as she did sleep a bit of the way (doesn't usually). A few meows cropped up when she'd had enough and we were nearly at Omaha - but first I had to call in to the oyster shed to get a dozen for entree, and then into the sweetcorn place to get a few fresh sweet yummy cobs.
And then, we are there. She comes out of her cage, has a sniff and stalk around the property, and then thinks "Ah yes, I know this place, I love this place!" It's been a while since she's been up actually. She seemed very pleased to be here and settled in easily.
She started off poking and sniffing around the pohutukawa tree - well camouflaged in the shadows!
Can you spot Indi the cat!? |
Michael arrived up in the evening. Brett was planning to come but got busy at work so will come tomorrow instead.
I'd cooked lamb chops - a Korma, tamarind, coconut, pineapple concoction - with naan, local beans and corn cobs - catering for three. Probably quite a good job Brett couldn't make it as most of it got scoffed by the two of us! After our oyster entree which Brett also missed out on. Never mind, I'll be getting more oysters tomorrow for the Xmas feast!
Ours will be a quiet Christmas, just us three, without decoration or fanfare, and - being a grinch, as intimated yesterday - that's fine by me. There is a fake tree in the cupboard, along with a zillion decorations etc, but I have no inclination whatsoever to get them out. And won't be. Which also means I don't have to pack them away!
I will get festive on the day, with Christmas tableware and bits and bobs - and yum food and Christmas songs - but that's as far as this Grinch will be going this year! I'm sure I'll get all the Xmas tree and festive paraphernalia (and every other sort) out if/when grandkids come along - but not quite ready for all that quite yet guys! But at the same time ... ready if/when you are!
Found this photo of Michael and his primary school rugby team!
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Michael - front row, second from right (he was usually on the wing) |
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Michael front row, 3rd from right |
The Crown ...
I've got various friends who have watched The Crown and recommended it. Until tonight I hadn't watched one second of it. Michael said he'd watched a bit of it as two of his [female] flatmates were fans. He thought I'd like it. He likes it!
So I said I'd tuned in with him to give it a look and we put it on at where he's up to (Season 2, part way through) - at the part where Princess Margaret marries Tony Armstrong-Jones. I have to say I found it very watchable. But it's still a take-it-or-leave-it thing. I could skip a few episodes and not be too bothered.
Talked to Sam tonight - his flat crew have been watching The Crown too and he thought I'd like Season 4 in particular - where Princess Diana comes into it. Yes, I think I would. I'm no royalist, but I'm intrigued by personalities and their stories.
I gather it's reasonably authentic to a point - but also to be taken with a grain of salt. I can read between lines well enough, so I think I'll be okay ascertaining the gist of the matter/s!
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