Day 81, Level 1: Four Strong Winds, blues, and fingers crossed for a good draw!

Another leisurely summer's morning. Why not? You can never get enough of a leisurely summer's morning.

More strong winds blowing. Why? Wind ... Enough is enough, go now! 

Here's a video link to Neil Young's "Four Strong Winds" - with EmmyLou Harris (left) and his late ex-wife Pegi Young (mostly featured in this footage, separated from Neil after 36 years of marriage, died 2019). 

What an intriguing video - a seemingly endless line-up of men, with Neil's voice star of show, and Emmylou and Pegi popped in amongst the males. The end result, regardless of all that, is amazing. Love it.

The most haunting and beautiful song prevails likes it's being carried off on the wind for all to hear. 

Neil is now married to Darryl Hannah (Splash). This affair caused the split with Pegi. Awful angst. I rate Pegi, strong woman. Three children - 2 with cerebal palsy, one with epilepsy. Neil ran. Pegi did the hard yards. 

Love Neil's music - and perhaps I now understand the angst within it. Feel for Pegi but she sure forgave, the biggest thing anyone can do. I know, I've done it. I wonder if Neil ever has or whether he's forever caught in the trap of angst.

I think, having rediscovered this song, it could just be my soundtrack to our summer ... four strong winds - oh yes they're coming from all angles!  And strong women - surrounded by them!

The cricket was on the tv, and I got on the laptop - writing. Eye on the races. 

Sat outside a few times but it was either too hot and sunny, or too windy, or both. Sitting inside with all the doors open felt much better - a state of indoor/outdoor perfection!

There were lots of whitecaps out to sea but lots of boats out there too. Can't keep a boatie down. 

The temperature was cool all day long, thanks to that not-very-summery southerly. 

Today's weather didn't entice me to the beach, even though the sun was shining. I stayed home and made inroads to the rewrite of my book ... and I realise it's going to be quite a rewrite, all in all ... but all for the betterment of the story. As I say, the bones are there, bedded down almost 20 years ago. If I can do a chapter a day, I'll be more than happy. It's what I'll be aiming for. 

Michael headed home today - he's off to Rhythm & Alps music fest tomorrow held in Cardrona. They're lucky that they are able to stay in the nice home of a friend of his, in Wanaka. 

I can think of nothing worse than going to one of these music fests, not even when I was a teenager. I did everything I could to avoid going to festivals back in my day. Was never into crowds, tents, peer pressure or pretending to love what you actually don't (is that the antithesis to Love Actually!?) Having to be one of the groovy popular crowd was never on my to-do list. Not then, not now. 

I've always love/loved music and dancing but not if it involved a stinking tent, the masses, booze competitions, buying in to dubious things you'd rather run a mile from and/or being shamed because you didn't buy in. 

Dinner - four cheeses fettucine - parmesan, blue, cheddar and aged gouda - with some fried ham thrown in for good measure. Simple deliciousness.

In the absence of local photos, here's a photo of blue ... Jardin Majorelle,  in Marrakesh ... the property that Yves St Laurent and his partner lived in between 1980-2008. It's a very lovely visit with the gorgeous "majorelle" blue on show everywhere. The Berber Museum on site is exquisite. Well worth a visit. 


Ziggy ...

Dear loyal readers, you now know the Ziggy (aka Saintly Way) horseracing journey ...

He'd been nominated to run today at Rotorua but drew wide (again) and we scratched him. Probably a very good job as the race he would have run in was a torrid affair and I'm not sure it wouldn't have been run to suit him at all, especially with the wide draw. But who knows, he just might have won it! We'll never know. That's the nature of racing. 

Thing is, it would have been impossible for any of us to get to Rotorua today to watch him, so it was just as well we scratched him. Imagine if he'd run and won and not one of us could be there! It would have been the ultimate in heartbreak.

He is now nominated to run at Ellerslie on New Year's Day. It's a big stakes race (and a massive raceday on the NZ racing calendar), and surprisingly, it's not an overly strong field although has some talent. The draw hasn't come out yet - that will happen tomorrow. Please, Mr Draw-Gods, please let Ziggy have an inside draw for once in his life. Surely a beautiful horse soul who behaves as well as, and tries as hard as, Ziggy deserves this. Please!

I won't jeopardise things by doing or saying anything more, except to cross my fingers and toes anPd hope that I need to head to Auckland on New Year's Day to see our boy do good. 

Patience, Positivity, Perseverance!


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