Day 54, Level 1: Drizzle, countdown, spit and Blue Moon/Penumbral Eclipse

Another day dawns (with drizzly rain). More writing to be done. I thought the project was complete - but there was, in actual fact, more tweaking and fiddling to be finalised. T's to be crossed and I's to be dotted. Photos to source and sort. Details to double check. I'd been doing all this for what seems like days - but  there's always more. I'm not sure how editors of daily papers do it!

I vacuumed with my $39 vacuum cleaner - it really does make this awful chore pleasurable and I whipped around in a jiffy. 

I had a cheese and onion toasted sandwich for a quick lunch, and pumpkin soup with Vogels slices for dinner. Today, there wasn't a lot of time for prep, cooking or even eating. 

Outside it drizzled away and I didn't care, I was on a countdown mission. And I completed it. Phew. 

I have papers all over the table, all over the coffee table, all over the bed. I have kept them away from the kitchen bench! Tomorrow I will sort them out, work out what I need to keep and what can be filed away. And then I will head home ...

Here's a photo of Omaha Beach (not taken today - I didn't get down there, too drizzly).

And here's a photo of my Dad tending to some spit roasts on our property back in the early 80s! We used to have a lot of spit roasts back in the day - everyone would come together and they were huge occasions. 

Blue Moon ... and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse ...

Tonight is a Blue Moon - the second Full Moon of November. 

Alas, it is not a bright moon tonight, being hidden behind clouds. However, it is also a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (when the moon is partially darkened by the Earth's shadow), so even if it was a bright clear night (which it is not) then it would be much fainter than usual. This eclipse is happening as I type - between 8.30pm and 1am. 

True to good Full Moon form, the wind died as the moon rose (mostly invisibly behind clouds but you could still see a vague glow). Today was windy and indeed the whole week has been really windy. Actually, the whole of November has been howling! 

Tonight - not one breath of wind. The drizzle has also topped but it's definitely not a 10/10 full moon occasion. It was better viewing last night. I will, however, get up and check the sky in the small hours to see how things are looking. 

BTW, the first Full Moon of November (1st Nov) was a Micro Full Moon - when it coincides with apogee, the point in the moon's orbit when it is furthest from Earth. A Micro Full Moon will appear smallish. A Super Moon, on the other hand, coincides with Perigree (close to Earth), and it therefore appears huge. 

Best star gazing happens during a New Moon - especially a Super New Moon (close to Earth but not visible). 


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