Day 50, Level 1: Tired, shouting, macadamias and Happiness

Okay, so I'm pretty tired as I type this - after 1.30am, after a long chat with sister Jacqui, whose bar is going well but not without challenge. The late hour is not that unusual but I am totally buggered from a week's worth of solid writing and concentration. I truly am absolutely almost deleriously gaagaa  with writing!

I've spent the entire day today on my laptop (except for a quick "supply trip" and a15 minutes walk to the beach at 7pm). You'd be buggered too!?

Around 4.30pm I went into Matakana. I was in the 4-Square (aka mini supermarket for those outside NZ) - they sell virtually everything and the staff are the best. It's a local godsend. 

I was wandering around wanting some veges and cheese - and OMG I could not believe my eyes or ears. There was a family (obviously [shamefully] local or you probably wouldn't be shopping here)  who gave me the heebeejeebees beyond what I can even write about adequately. 

The mother was shouting and screaming at what was obviously her kid. I couldn't see the kid, she was in a different aisle. The mother continues to yell and tell this kid that she's a useless brat, a spoilt idiot, ordering her to behave herself and come to her mother. I'm truly shocked. The kid, as far as I could tell, wasn't doing anything brattish or naughty.

This shouting woman is probably the most horrific looking specimen of a female I've seen in a long time. Obese, unkempt, sour as. With a thin black plait dribbling down her back. Horrific, start to finish really. An obnoxious cursing blaming disaster of a human being if ever I saw one. 

The guy (husband?) was tagging along trying to ignore the shocking behaviour. They're both pretty obese and slovenly. It's an impossible task to ascertain any loveliness. Sadly, the woman bullied her entire family the whole way round. Very loudly! The daughter was about 10yo.

As far as I was concerned - and I'm a mother who has never tolerated bad behaviour in a shop (although I wouldn't speak to any kid the way this woman did) - the daughter here was one of the best behaved children I've ever seen in a shop. There was no spoilt brat in sight. Usually in a supermarket there are several - and their mothers often just ignore and carry on. 

That mother was out of order. Even though it may not be PC I have to say she looked like an absolute loser, and was one of the most haggard and troubled women I've seen in a long time. The child - well, I've seen plenty of unlikeable brats and she didn't appear to be one of them! Perhaps she just gets under her mother's skin.

Back at base I decided I'd roast some local macadamia nuts I' bought a couple of weeks ago. I put them into a tray, added butter, brown sugar and Galliano - they emerged about 13 minutes later and devoured a few of them. I gave them a big tick!

Here's a photo of the vanilla macadamias, with a Venetian mask.  YUMYUM.

My Venetian mask with a dish of Macadamia nuts. Yum. 

Happiness ...

There's been a plaque has been on the wall at our Omaha house since the get-go. It always caused a laugh - and occasionally a bit of consternation! No one has ever been "not welcome". But some may have been waved off with relief!

Here are photos of Omaha this evening!


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