Day 48, Level 1: Golf trophies, car crash (not me!)

Had my hair cut today - lovely young Aimee who had been working out of a salon in Matakana, is now on her own, Way better. She snipped my hair at my place this morning - no mirror, all good.

Had a coffee with friend/colleague this afternoon.

And then wine with friends from old days of Omaha.

Then long chat with friend in Auckland.

Today I went and checked out the golf trophies at the Golf Club (research for an article) - it seems they've been unpolished for some time. Some of the name engraving is all but gone. 

Plenty of trophies in the names of many families, including the Blyth Cup.

A Junior Cup was started in 1979 - I won it in 1980!

The Blyth Cup

Accident ...

So in follow up to yesterday's tragedy - today I heard that the guy who died in the river was an epileptic and may have had a fit. It still seems unfathomable how someone with a medical mishap created the mishap that the township is grappling with. 

I still can't get my head around what I saw yesterday. 


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