Day 16, Level 1: Matakana river and weir, and Dinner on the deck

A bitsy day - mostly work. Went to Matakana mid-afternoon to get some supplies. A pleasurable outing. In fact, once I'd got my supplies, I drove down to the river (2 seconds!) and took a wander. I never go down there - because I can at any time of any day, so I don't! But today I did! Because I had a moment.

It was gloriously peaceful. There's a river, trees, a weir, ducks of all kinds, and no one around. It's really lovely.

River cruises are run when the tide is right and there's a heap of history around this river. 

Dinner on the deck ...

Tonight we had our first dinner of the spring/summer on the deck. Brett and Michael are up. I cooked a beef stir-fry and we had G&Ts outside on the deck (we did need the outdoor heater on, as there was a chill factor). We ate out on the deck and it was very very nice indeed! Shades of summer ...

Beef stir fry - served on my lovely Mallorcan platter from London friends Jill & Peter (who are right now in Mallorca - and there until February Why not!?)

Michael - not wanting to be photographed! 


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