Day 21, Level 1: Driveway chaos and progress, dogs
Up even earlier than crack of dawn today - to take Brett to the airport. He's got a couple of week in the South Island for two golf tournaments.
Back home by 7am. Shortly after, the digger drivers arrived and set to work on the driveway again. I set to work on my computer.
Mid morning, I touched base with the contractors and the arborist (who came to guide how to work around our big camphor tree). Discussed what was what with the driveway, the tree, the cautions etc.
Two female neighbours came by and we chatted for half an hour or so. Mainly about the driveway works but also a rare catch up. The contractors were doing great work, the arborist giving good guidance.
I go back to my office safe in the knowledge all is in hand.
Late afternoon the doorbell goes. I move from my computer straight away - but the doorbell is on permanent ring - ring - ring. Ring. Ring. Wait up I can't get there any quicker.
I get to the gate - oh. That figures, it's Mr Hideous from across the driveway. And he's in bolshy demanding mood. Brett's away now so I copped his vitreol. Tried to explain what was going on. He ranted and raved and when he felt plans didn't suit him, he called me all sorts of hideous things - including "silly". Who calls someone silly!? What a weak and pathetic thing.
To cut a long and ridiculous story short - actually it's a mind-bogglingly bizarre tale - neighbour Brian came over, Mr Hideous listened to him (saying exactly the same things I'd just told him) and - very reluctantly - agreed the works were ok.
But not without proceeding to try to imply to Brian that I had been aggressive about things from the get-go. I most certainly was not. I again called Mike a bully. He tried to deny it and turn it back on me again - until Brian said "Mate, you do have form". (As in the whole neighbourhood, especially the women, have been bullied by him and avoid him at all costs! Most of all Brian's wife!)
He shut up and slunk away.
This is just a brief precis of things. OMG it's ridiculous.
And tomorrow - there is more driveway work to be done ... but hopefully no more ridiculous nonsense. Thank goodness for Brian.
Here's the current state of chaos in our shared driveway ...
It's a shambles - but it will look good when finished.
Dogs ...
I'm not a dog person but there's a story currently in the news about a 1-day-old baby that got bitten by a family dog. Sadly, he died the next day of his injuries. Dreadful.
The dog was a Rottweiler. Recently acquired. There are many factors to the scenario - but the bottom line is the baby died. How horrific. I can't begin to image.
We have a few dogs, but mostly cats, in the neighbourhood.
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