Day 22, Level 1: Short and sweet, productive ... and trapped

Short and sweet is the name of the game today ...

Unlike yesterday when I had to deal with short and evil (aka nasty neighbour!)

Spent most of the day in my office whipping through all sorts. Phone calls, editing, minutes, writing, emails ... I achieved a lot today. Completed some tasks. And began new ones.

Spent time in the driveway discussing issues around that with contractor and Brian, to finalise a few things. Making good progress. 

Sprayed a few flies - they are starting to come and are very annoying.

Had a Zoom AGM for racehorse owners association in the evening - efficient and productive. 

Cooked a fish/prawn semi-curry dish for dinner which was very tasty.

Watched a bit of tv.

Talked to Anna in Italy and sister across town.

And then suddenly it was midnight after a warm, even muggy - and very busy and productive - day. 

Am doing a stint in Auckland and dreaming of being back in Omaha. 

Here's a photo of a log on Omaha beach a week or so ago. Such stunning light (no filters etc).

Trapped in our own backyard ...

I'm a travel writer and am very disturbed that the travel realm has become so insular that all you can read about is NZ NZ NZ. 

We are essentially trapped in NZ. And thus, everything is about seeing our "backyard" - every travel mag, every tv programme, everything conversation, everything - it's all about NZ. Which is all very well as it's a lovely country to trip around (especially with no tourists!) ... but the rest of world is great too. And, dare I say it, even better ... (oh shut my mouth, how dare I!)

I have a very grave concern that a large proportion NZers will end up forgetting about (or, for the younger ones, not even knowing) what is out there in the rest of the world. Youngsters may grow up not even knowing what the words France, Greece or Nimibia even mean. There is mention of other countries in relation to Covid and stats and how dire things are. But no information about the land, the culture, the people. Avid travellers are champing at the bit to get back to world travel and have plenty of knowledge, memories, stories, photos to top them up. But the rest of NZ who haven't been beyond their backyard - there is nothing to read or engage with in terms of global travel, even if it is just to dream.

Woe betide this goes on too much longer. NZ is in danger of reverting back to become as insular and ignorant and introverted as it was in the 60s and 70s - which is why I so desperately wanted to get out of it. And see the world. 

Dordogne, France





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