Day 14, Level 1: A day at the races!

Ticked off quite a bit in the morning and then friend Jan and I drove south to Matamata to watch Saintly Way (stable name Ziggy) run. We were the only owners from the syndicate who could go. It was a bit of a last minute thing as we didn't think he'd get a start - but he did. 

It's a straight-forward 2-hour drive and we chatted away. We hit a real rainstorm at one point but came out the other side of torrential rain glad it was just a localised downpour. When we got to the track, it was drizzling and dreary. The track was very wet - there were lots of scratchings on account of that as the tracks have been pretty good recently.  

We had a pre-race drink and watched Ziggy parade. He looked magnificent. 

Trainer Frank and Jan - Ziggy in the background

Ziggy's race got under way - he was nice and handy and was looking really good. But alas he didn't go on with it and ran down track. The jockey said he thought he had it won at the 600m mark but as they came round the home bend Ziggy wobbled and never got going again properly. This can be an indicator he wasn't comfortable in the ground. Or that he's a bit sore. Various trainers and jockeys said the track was wet and difficult and it didn't suit a lot of horses today. That home bend was a particular problem. 

A friend had a horse in the same race - it was hot favourite and ran down track too, one spot in front of Ziggy. Ziggy was an outsider so didn't have quite the same pressure.

Oh well, we had a great day regardless, even though it's back to the drawing board with Ziggy. Trainer Frank will assess him and work out what's next. Jockey said he has ability and really likes him. Just need a better track. There's always a reason (excuse!?) for a poor run - until there isn't one, which is probably when it's time to call it quits!

Friends had a horse racing in the next race - she ran a beautiful third - so we got into the Winners Circle for a drink on account of that and had good chats and laughs. Then some other people we know had a horse in the last race - and that ran a beautiful third too. 

So the day ended on a positive note and Jan and I drove home. The sky tones were utterly gorgeous as we drove north and dusk came - bringing with it various shades of lilac and violet, with coral and tangerine set against a backdrop of fading cerulean and deep indigo. Stunning. I couldn't take any photos as I was driving but those colours are etched in my mind. 

Another brilliant day at the races, even though the result wasn't what we wanted. Jan loves her racing as much a I do! And the car ride (2 hours each way) gave us a great chance to have a chat and catch up. With lots of racing talk!

Country race courses ...

City race courses provide great facilities and fanfare but the country ones provide a relaxed rural experience. The facilities at Matamata are rather tired but the viewing is great - the owners area is right on the winning post and there's a quaint Gazebo where you gather for a pre-race drink and watch your horse parade. 


When we left, Jan and I admired the grounds and were taken with a rather lovely tree that had berries in the shape of grape bunches. Not sure what it is but it was rather elegant.

View of the grounds from the car park - with the track in the distance - looking towards that dastardly home bend!


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