Day 23, Level 2.5: WOW and Beyond
A work-oriented morning, ticking off a lot of things.
But, having said that, plenty more "to-do's" came along!
Went out mid-afternoon to get a few supplies including a few arty things that I need before I can make a start on my WOW 2021 garment. Will get going on it tomorrow I hope, just to make sure the idea has merit. I think it does but you never quite know until you fiddle about in the early stages. I tend to do loads of visualising first before starting work (and for this one I've had longer than most as the WOW show 2020 would/should have been opening tomorrow night under normal circumstances!) Effectively, I have a full extra year to cogitate and get this one right! But then so does everyone else and I suspect the competition will be more fierce than ever and the general quality of an even higher standard than ever before, given everyone has had lockdown to focus on their garment/s!
I have till June 2021 to complete the garment. Plenty of time is great but I really do operate best to deadlines - and I always have several of them going at any one time so, if a deadline is in 8 months time, like this one, it is highly likely I'll end up doing 75% of the work in the final month! The packaging up is always the most dreaded part!
Anyway, at least I've made a practical start after many months of developing the concept in my mind. Just about everything I need is already in my studio which is great and cost-effective!
I designed and ordered some business cards today for my
Travel Companion Service. Now that Level 1 is looming large, I need to
be set to go with some marketing collateral. Am also working on a flyer.
And then, when Level 1 does come, I'll be getting out and about to promote
my services. It's been so difficult with all the restrictions etc but I'm hoping like hell that people really understand the
value I'm offering - and want to sign up! Am still working away solidly on all this travel stuff, even though overseas travel is still a pipe-dream. NZ will suffice for the time being - there are some spectacular sights to see!
Quiz tonight - we came 5th out of 15 teams. Swayed the wrong way with several answers so should really have come 3rd equal if we'd stuck to our guns. Never mind, it's just great to be out and about socialising and having fun. The food at the pub we go to is fabulous - the Corner Bar in Remuera, only 5 minutes from my place. Very handy.
The first Leaders Debate was on TV tonight - Jacinda (Labour) versus Judith (National) - while we were at quiz. We're all so sick of the politics and carry on that we were glad to miss it - much rather be at quiz! We'll hear all about it tomorrow. I've just had a sneak peek at the late night headlines - seems Judith came out on top. But it's all subjective and they're all treading carefully and playing it a bit safe. Polls are generally in Jacinda's favour. I suspect she'll romp in.
We also have two referenda to vote on - one on legalising cannabis and the other the "end of life" bill re euthanasia. I have a feeling the former may not get passed, it's hard to say. Cannabis use in NZ is rife, not to mention much worse drugs. At first I thought legalising weed might be a positive thing in several ways, but having looked further into it, I'm not so sure. I've had about three tokes of the stuff in my entire life - and each time I thought, hell, I can do a better job going deep into my own zany mind any time I wish to - without cost or smoke! I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. So here we are, a nation aiming to go smoke-free by 2025 (and doing quite well on that front) - yet we're about to vote to legalise something else that requires smoking. Makes no sense ...
The second one - euthanasia - I'll be putting a tick. I've been advocating for euthanasia for a long time. When the end of life comes calling and there is no turning back, the thought of hanging on in pain and suffering, when death is an absolute given, is abhorrent. If I'm ever in that state I hope this bill is safely in place and that everyone can come and be with me, we say goodbye, and it is over. This law is not about ending life for anyone other than those who are staring death in the imminent face and relieving them and their loved ones of suffering. It's not for people who've been told they have early stage cancer with 5 years to live. It's a complex topic but I'm definitely an advocate. Always have been and, if it doesn't go through, I'll be an even stronger one. I think (hope) this one will go through.
WOW 2016 entry - "Guggentime" ...
Here are some photos of a garment I entered in the 2016 competition - I loved it and so did everyone who saw it before it got packaged up and sent off. But it didn't get in. I still get people saying to me how shocked they are that it didn't. I still can't quite fathom it either.
Called Guggentime it was inspired by visits to the Guggenheim NY and Bilbao, and also an amazing sculptural piece by Richard Serra that filled an entire room at the Guggenheim Bilbao called The Matter of Time. It curves and leans and is astounding in every way. I was entranced.
My Guggentime was made with vinyl offcuts. It had lights all through it. I still wonder whether it was the lights that made the judges say no. Attaching them was tricky and I could have done it better. I wonder if the judges thought that part wasn't robust enough. I won't be using lights again! They're not really needed because the stage lighting is so effective.
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Guggentime |
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