Day 7, Level 2: Egad, jet planes, songs, Pan Am, movies, and stairways

Egad (I love what this word conveys!) ... it's the last day of September. It seems like the month only just began. "Egad" - a 17th Century rendition of Oh God. A mild exclamation expressing surprise, affirmation, outrage, contempt, anger. I think in my sentence above I'm expressing affirmation! As in, how can that sentence stating it's the end of Sept be true? But it most certainly is. Egad. I use the word now and then as it says quite a lot in just four letters. I use Oh God in speech. And usually OMG when writing/texting. So to come out and start with Egad today was interesting. It just felt right to use that rather than OMG. Helen Reddy has died - Australian-born singer of I Am Woman and the enduring Delta Dawn . I grew up with her songs being played endlessly and I especially loved Delta Dawn, released by her in 1973. I remember our ski crew from the early 1990s singing it at the top of our lungs as we stood in the lift queue. We'd have the whole queue...