Day 7, Level 3: More new cases, more admin, up to Omaha, Sam in Dorset ... and a quiz challenge!

13 new cases today. All sorts of unusual complications. People testing positive with unknown reason. Genomes linked to the US. A case not related to the cluster (and I don't suppose it's the only one). 

The plot and chaos thickens. 

How the hell did Covid claw its way back into NZ like this?

Seems like shambolic lack of border control and marginal testing is at the root of things. Being lax, laissez-faire, lazy ... it never leads to good things. Or perhaps something even more sinister ...

Jacinda should have known about this border debacle long ago. Did she not check in on what was going on re testing? My gut never felt good about the whole border thing some time ago.  Now it seems there is a lot of damage that has been done. And who knows how quickly it can be undone, if at all, ever. 

I spent much of the day doing admin tick-off stuff - again! Always seem to have so many things to tend to. Today's bits and bobs were important ones. Got them all tended to today, so that was excellent. I feel I've almost caught up with myself! But only for the moment ... there will be a  whole load more stuff to tend to tomorrow.

Late afternoon I packed up the car, waited for Indi to turn up and then headed north to Omaha. The weather wasn't supposed to be good, and Brett warned me it would likely be very horrid ... but horrid there or horrid here, it'll be horrid everywhere. So might as well head up. 

There was actually quite a bit of traffic, more than I anticipated, but all flowing freely. It took an hour - which is what it should without traffic issues. 

The further north I got, the worse the weather. The last half was driven with the windscreen wipers on mostly full bore. When I got to Omaha, I could hardly open the car doors the wind was that strong. 

I arrived about 6pm and once inside, in the warm and cosy, the weather outside didn't matter one iota.

BTW, we can move about Auckland city limits, but not beyond them. Thankfully, Omaha is still within the Auckland Super-City limits. (It didn't used to be!)

Meanwhile, Sam and his mates living in London - well they spent a very happy weekend in east Dorset celebrating one of the group's birthday. Looks like they had a heap of fun in a wonderful country house which Sam said was "ridiculous". Fun days in your 20s, despite Covid.


Quiz ...

Hosted online quiz tonight with the team - it went well, lots of fun and laughs. 

Here are some of the questions I put to them ... see how you go! 

Ignore the questions numbers. And re the cryptic alert, the team had an additional hint in advance ...

"200,000+ stand proud on a mound"

Answers tomorrow! Or you can Google!


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