Day 18, Level 3: Weird and warm winter, deserted Warkworth and Sports

Our last day in Level 3 - we go to Level 2.5 at midnight. Yay.
Let's hope people are sensible, wear masks, keep their distance and don't get complacent and selfish. 

Did some writing work today, newsletter content etc. It was a lovely sunny warm day, but very windy. I never made it to the beach. This is apparently one of the mildest winters we've ever had on record. Feels like it. Summer clothes are already in order. 

Later in the afternoon I went to the "big smoke" aka Warkworth. It was deserted. I went to the supermarket to get some supplies and drove back to Omaha. I barely saw ten people. I did follow an old Ford type car - green, vintage, trundling along. 

The main street of Warkworth on a deserted Level 3 Sunday - the old car fits in well!

This is the quaint Warkworth courthouse - also deserted. Is it actually 2020 in this town!?!?

For dinner I made a chilli prawn salad, with seafood cocktail sauce and walnuts and bits and pieces. Delicious but my eyes were bigger than my stomach - I couldn't finish it all!

The dangers of Sports ...

I'm not, and never have been, into sports in a big way. 
I did ballet for years and loved it - and then one day it wasn't enjoyable any more and I knew I'd gone as far as I needed/wanted. I was never going to make the corps de ballet in any company and got on with pursuing other things in life. 
I played B-grade netball at school (badly!), enjoyed recreational tennis, badminton and horse-riding, played golf for 40 years, water-skied as a kid and have snow-skied since I was 23. But that's about the extent of it.
Notice - not a lot of team sports going on!? I figured early on that it was best to stick to individual sports as it meant I wasn't in the position of letting my team down with my average sporting prowess! 

Sports is dangerous!
Look at the falls that cyclists have (two today in the start of the Tour de France). 
Racing car crashes that maim and kill.
Jockeys who break just about every bone in their body.
Rugby players with groin injuries, concussions and cauliflower ears. 
Cricketers with buggered backs and split webbing in their hands.
Rowers who almost pass out as they pass the pain barrier.
Surfers who get attacked by sharks.
The list goes on ...

I think darts and snooker must be about the safest sports going. 
Which I used to enjoy watching!

What is increasingly alarming is the amount of bullying, intimidation and psychological abuse being uncovered in some sports right now. It seems to be part and parcel of elite sports.
Gymnastics, hockey and now canoeing - all in the news recently for appalling treatment of [female] athletes in a culture of harassment and belittling. Putting up with that along with the risk of injury and heartbreak when it all goes wrong - well, it's not ok.

With a buggered knee, I can't undertake anything too strenuous when it comes to sports and exercise etc these days anyway, so I'll stick to enjoying a nice beach walk while I exercise my mind, haha!


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