Day 17, Level 3: Spring day, agave, and an earthquake

What an incredible morning - it really felt like spring.

A long beach walk was in order. At the northern end I sat a while and watched the world go by. Well, figuratively speaking. I'd rather be doing it literally! But that won't be for a while yet. 

A flowering Agave Attenuata (fox tail agave) on my walk back from the beach

Covid - gotta mention it ...

So 13 new cases today, mostly in the community, and mostly from a church where people apparently have been gathering for prayer meetings despite lockdown. 

Meanwhile the Auckland city beaches are crammed with people not wearing masks.

And there was a protest today by a bunch of people who are anti-lockdown. 

Whilst we're set to revert back to Level 2 on Monday, with limited numbers in gathering, this may be jeopardised by all this flouting of the lockdown rules. Or, we go back to Level 2 and slide rather quickly back to L3 or even L4. 

It's kind of crazy that on one hand we're reported around the world as doing so well, and on the other trashed (by Trump, no less) as being out of control. The reality is we are trapped somewhere in between, taking agonising steps forward and backwards and putting life on hold - goodness only knows for how long.

Earthquake ...

There was an earthquake off the Coromandel that was apparently even felt in Auckland in the small hours of the morning. Unusual. Plus a few aftershocks. The last thing we need is a natural calamity!

That's Coromandel peninsula in the far distance


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