Day 16, Level 3: Friday 28th August 2020: Rain, Rainbow grasshopper and Wetas

A mostly nice weather day today. After catch-up stuff,  I headed to the beach for a walk around 10ish.

It was stunning, one of those most beautiful of morning walks.

Here are pics looking south - and then north. There was a wind coming from the north, annoying. I headed up to the shelter of the pathways when it looked like rain.  

Good job as suddenly - and oh so suddenly - OMG, black clouds came with  rain and I was suddenly getting wet and hot-footing it back home as fast as I could. Thankfully I'd worn a hoodie and could cover my head. How disappointing. 

By the time I got back home, the sky was blue and the weather was lovely. Go figure!

Back to work on my laptop ... not much else to report. 

Am not even mentioning Covid. Oh - there were 12 new cases today. 


Bugs ...

Here's a photo of a Rainbow Grasshopper - they're not usually this bright (in fact, usually just tones of brown) but this one was photoshopped for a photo competition. Looks pretty cool! Nature is often colourful, but not quite as bright as this! 

And then have a look at the NZ weta below!

Here's a weta ...

Believe it or not - one of these beauties spent the night in or on the leg of my PJ pants some years ago. It revealed itself when I removed said pants to have a shower. I'm no bug lover - but having spent the night with a weta, well it gave me a whole new insight and I don't get squeamish any more. They are, however, quite prone to bite when antagonised. My sleeping obviously wasn't irritating or condusive to that. I think the weta's presence was to do with the cat!

As an insect, they're pretty confronting to come across, but as I say, I see them in a different light now. Everything is about perspective. 


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