Day 14, Level 3: Work, Chicken Teriyaki, and Coronation St

 Nothing much to report today.

Work work work. Wind wind wind. Showers showers showers.

I stayed inside and worked. And did some washing and cleaning. 

The day was warm, and it was cool. It was calm, and it was windy. It was clear, and it was dull. 

Made a quick trip to Matakana for some supplies. Wore my mask in the 4-Square. Not everyone was.

For dinner I cooked a chicken - and then created a chicken "teriyaki on rice" ensemble with edamame beans (pictured). Served on sushi rice with rice vinegar (to give the perfect tang). Two helpings. So tasty I could have had three. Love those edamame beans.

And still plenty of chicken for tomorrow's meal. Shame I can't invite friends over - we're still in Level 3 lockdown.

Chicken teriyaki - with no food staging!

Coronation Street ...

Do you watch it?

I've followed it through the years, although am not a religious watcher. I do enjoy watching when I can, and catch up here and there, although I don't miss it if I can't watch. The thing is, you can miss a few episodes but still stay in touch with storylines.  

I remember watching it when I stayed with my Nana in Wellington during school holidays when I was a kid. That was back in the days of Hilda Ogden and Ena Sharples. Nana was an avid Coro watcher and that familiar theme music was a part of my childhood. I'd get engaged although wasn't much of a fan.

I also vividly remember watching the news with Nana when PM Norman Kirk died (31st August 1974). Even though I was only 11 (nearly 12) at the time, I still remember being very shocked and saddened. He was a loss to this country.

These days I do tune in to Coro as and when. Gail and Ken are still going, but otherwise it's quite a different show. It has covered just about every trial of life through the years, the latest being coersive control through the nightmare story that is Geoff and Yasmeen. 

It's an enduring show and, while it's had ups and downs and gone a bit bonkers and hard-to-believe at times, it's enduring and still has relevance. I tune in as and when and will continue to do so. 


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