Day 13, Level 3: A windy day, Omaha homes, and WOW Exhibition

A windy day - not horrible but not very nice either.

Had my Epsom Girls Grammar Old Girls hat on for much of the day - finalising stuff around a special Scholarship we give to a boarding girl. Newsletter stuff. 

Other stuff too. Quite a lot actually. Never set foot outside. 

Had online team quiz tonight with Shadee Bunch. Good fun. We did pretty well. Thanks to Donna for putting this one together. 

Not sure if pubs in Auckland will be fully back to hosting quiz next week - we'll see.

Rain on and off through the day, nothing dramatic but enough to be a nuisance. But only for those who had the urge or need to get outside. I had much work to do and going outside wasn't in the plan, or desire!

Here are some photos of the southern end of Omaha - it's the newer part of Omaha and where most of the larger houses are, as well as some more authentic ones. There's a lovely walk along the pathways that takes you past a heap of houses and you can see so many architectural styles (and expensive homes!)

I walked past these the day beforehand.

Love this cottage style home

Cape Cod meets Kiwi modernism

Spanish Hacienda and just about every other style of house

I love to walk around Omaha - there are so many different styles of homes. 

The original area (where we are) has older style homes as well as those older ones that have had a makeover (like ours) - and there are sections where older houses have been removed and a new house built. The original "old" area is becoming upmarket!

The "second stage" of Omaha is also seeing its share of renovation and rebuild. 

The third stage at the northern end has quality housing and some great views. 

And the neweest southern end - mostly mansions!


WOW "UP CLOSE" Exhibition ...

Postponed from September, this will now take place Dec/Jan/Feb in Wellington. It will take people behind the scenes - what's involved in creating these garments, staging the show etc. It will be a very special exhibition and I will be there.

I'm putting together a specially curated trip to Wellington for the Exhibition, visiting lots of other iconic places too. I'll share my knowledge of what it means to be a designer, what the judges look for and all the challenges involved in creating a garment for the WOW show. 

A very unique exhibition that's for sure.


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