Day 12, Level 3: Omaha Beach, strolling, Po

 A day of two halves today for sure. After a night of two halves. There was some serious lightning strikes happening in the middle of the night. And some heavy rain.

So I was surprised to find the morning was rather lovely. I spent a long time on the beach, but it was quite a different vibe to yesterday. More moody today. The waves were more surge than surf. Paddle-boarders riding them rather than surfers. A few surfers too, but mostly beginners having a play and not getting too many rides. They were testing the waters. 

It was pretty spectacular, all in all.

Here's a selection of pics taken today - more quirky and arty than purely scenic.

Quirky guy in a hat strolling the beach

Powhenua surveying the scene

OMG I have about 100 more photos that I took today - impossible to siphon through them to deduce down and share.This will suffice as a tiny snapshot. 

Locked down here is not so bad. But it can't go on ...

I'm a global soul, and much as I love walking Omaha Beach and whatnot, I am hankering BIGTIME to get back to Europe and the places I love. I must wait patiently. Thankfully, patience is a virtue I have learnt over time and I can kick it into gear. But not my favourite gear ...

Thunderstorms and lightening ...

OMG as mentioned, last night was the stormiest of nights - lightning strikes and torrential downpours. Around midnight lightning was streaking across the skies. But I heard no thunder. Not sure how long it went on for after I went to sleep. 

The morning dawned nice and the beach was glorious - but in such a different way to yesterday. I walked and also stopped for awhile in different parts of the beach to observe and contemplate. Gosh it was wonderful. 

Uh-oh, I could see rain and thunder coming back, so made my way home. The storm came quite quickly. Bang, boom, piss down, thunder, bash, crack. That was the nature of the afternoon. Oh how nice to be inside. Not cold today, by the way.

And no matter all this weather woe ... I had work to do and also a Zoom Board meeting re racing. Rainy day productivity, all good.

After the meeting, I talked to various friends. Watched a bit of tv. And a rare early-ish night i.e. before  midnight! 

And all the while, this wonderful Po looks over Omaha.


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