Day 11, Level 3: Sun, Sand, Surfers - and Shameless (all the S's today!)

What a pearler of a morning at the beach. The tide was high, the waves were rolling in perfectly and there were surfers galore. The beach was pretty busy - people walking, dogs romping, surfers surfing, and even people sunbathing. In togs. It was warm and utterly stunning.

The surfers looked like little sharks, perched on their boards waiting for a wave. They never had to wait long, the waves were coming thick and fast. People were getting great rides. Some were doing tricks, running along their boards, turning backwards etc. Fun to watch. Which isn't always the case when the waves are few and far between. 

This was definitely surfers' paradise!

The dogs were loving it!

The surfers were loving it!

The walkers were loving it!

Riding the wave ...
and next second ...


Spent ages on the beach. It was like a summer's day and lockdown was neither apparent nor relevant. 

Opened all the doors today, for the first time in a lock while. No wind, warm air, glorious sunshine. 
Watched some races - several friends had horses running today so watched them with interest. Two of them won beautifully (yesss!) and one ran a really nice second. 
The sad thing is that people can't be on course, not even owners, so they never got to experience the moment in person. Never mind, a win is a win - and it's a damn hard thing in racing. They are treasured forever!

Settled in to watch Shameless - a Netflix series about a dysfunctional Chicago family. Highly watchable although a bit flawed in parts. An easy watch, rather raw and confronting in parts, humorous in others. 

Oh, and 6 new cases today. With some big question marks around a few things. Not sure if reverting to L2 on Wednesday as initially planned is realistic or not. They'll be making an announcement on Monday.

Omaha Beach ...

The most perfect place to be on a day like today ... the photos above say it all.
As do these.
I wonder what the weather will do tomorrow ...?


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