Day 6, Level 2: Zoom, surf, sunset

The morning began with a Zoom meeting to progress action items from last night's meeting.
Lynley is Co-President of the EGGS Old Girls Assn with me, so we mulled over various conversations, suggestions and actions from the meeting. We made good progress over what ended up to be nearly two hours!

Then a chat with a local operator to progress travel services stuff and polish my offering. Pricing is tricky but I'm making progress. 

Walked to beach mid-afternoon - there were a few surfers about and a nice vibe, but I didn't stay long,. I wasn't dressed for the very cool wind. It was warm in the sun but ... yikes, very cool in the shade. Add wind = freezing. My dress was too summery for this occasion so whilst the weather itself is superb, an under-dressed beach walk isn't a great idea.

Omaha Beach Photo of the Day - Twilight surf

More work and then, upon seeing beautiful skies east and west, I headed back to the beach around 5.30pm. OMG what a picture. Pink in the clouds, large rolling waves, dogs romping, people enjoying - it was great. But the sand underfoot at this time of night is ... cold! 

LUNCH: cheese & onion toasted sandwiches - old school, um
DINNER: Snapper, chips and coleslaw - pick up from a local eatery. Yum.

Did our weekly team quiz - we seem to be getting worse rather than better but, hey, fun is most of it.

Sunset ...

Is there anything more stunning? Words not required, just pictures ...
Sirius rose in the eastern sky as I was taking these photos from the causeway. My camera can't pick it up but it was there all right, shining brightly. Look at these colours. Such wonders in the sky ....

Sunset - Omaha estuary 19 May 2020


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