Day 9, Level 2 (Friday): Twilight magic, building works and waves

Boy have I got some beach photos and footage for you today!

I worked all day, including completing and submitting an article on the area to the NZ Herald.
I ventured to the beach around 5 o'clock. It was a great day today - without the chilly wind of the last couple of days. 

The most stunning scene awaited me. It literally took my breath away. I've seen the beach almost every day since lockdown, but I think this is the most splendid it has ever been - and that's saying something!
Everything came together at just the right moment - I timed it well today.

The beginning of a gentle sunset, all pastel tones and glorious glows. The blues were exceptional. 
Incoming tide, light reflecting off the white waves which rolled in, orange hues strewn across the sky, a few puffs of cloud, a haze hovering over the sand up the northern end (which has been there for a few days now, not quite sure what it is). 

I ordered takeaways from the Pt Wells store and as I drove across the causeway to go pick them up, I had to stop and take more photos.

Looking towards Tawharanui, from the causeway

Looking towards Point Wells

LUNCH: Avocado and Emmenthal on rye
DINNER: Egg & Cheese burger from Pt Wells store - it was really good!

More work, a bit of tv watching, and then a relatively early night (midnight) brought a productive day to a close. 

Building works - it's going on everywhere up here. 
We've been through a major rebuild and come out the other end. The house opposite has done the same. The one next to that is a new build, completed at the end of last year. And next door are preparing to build a new house. In the next street two houses have been removed and building is under way. 
On the walk to the beach, most houses have had a spruce up, addition or rebuild. There's also a new build well under way. 
All these streets around us were the first to have houses built on them in the beginning and it's all go in the neighbourhood as old becomes new. 
Earlier today they were doing some piling or something at a house around the corner that I can't see - but I could hear it, and both the house and I could actually feel it. Boom. Glasses were jumping and clinking on the shelf with each huge bang. Shows how much the ground moves!

I'll finish with a video of the waves tonight ... mesmerising, soporofic. 
And now to bed!


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