Day 17, Level 2: Birthday, Fog, and Fun

Sister in law's birthday today - we wished Vicki happy xxx birthday and looked out at the most dense fog all over the place. I don't recall fog like this ever, and I've been coming up for 50 years. Maybe once, perhaps twice - but this is NOT the norm.
It hung around for some time.
Other friends arrived, and by mid-morning we were ready for a walk and the fog was lifting.

We walked to the southern end of the beach, and I have to say I tested the water many times along the way and it was ... yes, warm. I was not scared away from paddling by freezing water. Quite a few in swimming.

By now the sun is shining, the fog has gone and, in shorts and t-shirts, we were absolutely boiling. It was a superb autumn day. Actually, better than summer. But still, the scene was something of an anomaly.
Little Barrier Island was shrouded in fog. 
The horizon played tricks.
Clouds billowed in the sky.
Walking back through the pathways - OMG we were all sweating ... it was so hot.
Unusual weather.


LUNCH: Leek pie & salad
DINNER: Lyle's hearty beef stew

Today is my sister in law's birthday. We had fun and had rose for lunch and even a siesta and everything was spot-on.
Today was also the b'day of another mutual friend who lives near Omaha.
She and her husband came for drinks and nibbles - outside on the deck as the sun set. 
The outdoor heater works a treat - by 6pm it was required. 
And then we had fabulous stew dinner. Lots of yarns. And then bed.
Except me - I'm still up ... midnight. 
That's normal. 
Good times!


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