Day 16, Level 2: Oysters, whitebait, wine ... and rain!

Very short post today. 
I packed up and headed back to Omaha around midday.
Traffic not great. Weather awful.
Vicki and Lyle arrived late afternoon.
Brett arrived later, around 7pm.
We had local oysters, whitebait fritters and Vicki's leek tart.
Wine and good chat.
It rained outside.

Nothing much to report except that Omaha house is in great shape and ready for visitors. 
The fridge is full. We will not starve.
The rain came pouring down. Fills the tank.
We're warm and cosy inside. 
All good.
An early night.  (The earliest for me for a zillion days - well, nights!)

Here's a photo of the Omaha estuary.

Omaha estuary


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