Day 13, Level 2: Home to the City, Waterfalls, Quiz host

Today is the day I must return home to Auckland. After TEN weeks at Omaha.

Today is also the day Indi the cat decides to go off somewhere ...

She's been going up to Omaha for years - and often goes walkabout, sometimes never to be seen for an entire day. But during lockdown, she barely moved from a cosy couch, comfy outdoor deck cushion or her bed on our bed. Not to mention lining up for on-tap patting. She was just always around.

Today - nowhere to be seen. Who says cats don't have sixth sense?

So I did some work, sorted some stuff, did some more work, waited for her to arrive.
I packed up some stuff - thing is, don't really need to do too much packing up as we're going back up in a few days for the long weekend. So it was a waiting game. As long as I was back in Auckland for Quiz I could manage everything else. But I HAVE to go back to Auckland as I have a physical meeting to attend in the morning!

Waiting, Working. Oh here she comes. 
Put her in cat box, pack up all bits, and off we go. 
Omaha to Auckland.

The traffic home wasn't bad, although for most of the way from Omaha to Warkworth I had a Jag or similar late model car right up my bum. Too close to even work out what it was. But it was a flash car with old guy driver, white hair and scowl (I could see him pretty clearly in the mirrors, that's how close he was!) I was going the speed limit the whole way but he was delighting in  trying to harrass me and shove me along. I just stuck to the speed limit with care and attention. And he didn't like it.
Slow down old boy, take it easy, settle down and don't be a menace on the road. 

When we reached Warkworth, I decided I'd divert into town to try to shake him as he was unnverving. Phew, he carried on south and was no longer part of my drive. 

Traffic was okay ... until we hit Remuera a few kms from home - uh-oh school pick up time. Utterly ridiculous, worse than ever. Luckily I know some "get outta there" back routes and took them. Saved myself 10 mins I reckon. 

When we got home, Indi wondered where she was while I hit the ground running - full on, with immediate effect. And it ain't gonna stop any time soon.

Brett was home from work earlier than normal. He'd made a chicken pie the night before, I cooked up some veges and we sat down for a tasty easy meal together. 

No beach photos today but I'm popping in here two photos of this lovely waterfall, which changes colours and is very mesmerising - it's in  Pukekura Park in New Plymouth (one of the best parks in the country). I came across these photos on my PC and they brought back lovely memories of visiting Brett's mum who lived there. These were actually taken when we went down for WOMAD back in 2005!!


Our online quiz tonight was devised and hosted by our very own Mary (the official online ones have now finished). She'd compiled some very hard questions for the rest of us, testing us to our limits. and we shamed ourselves by not knowing enough! But oh such great learning. Mary had fun watching us grapple with the questions, change our minds (bad call mostly!) and get close. Some rounds we just wished we had Mary on our team - but of course not, as she was asking the questions. Next week ... Donna will be Quizmaster! Great fun. Our quiz fix without having to step out on a rainy night  ...


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