Day 11, Level 2: Giselle, Oz wildlife and wonders, and ... China

Oh lovely leisurely Sunday morning ... rising too early not allowed!

Brett mowed the lawns. Just in time, too; the rain set in around 11am after he'd completed this much-needed job. The grass here is taking better than we thought but there are a few bare patches. The fig trees we planted last week are still alive. I've been watering them through the week.

As Brett settled in and read the papers cover to cover, I watched the livestream of the Royal NZ Ballet's film of Giselle - filmed by Toa Fraser it is an incredibly beautiful evocative haunting romantic spiritual thing. 
What better way to spend this gloomy morning than letting the rain fall outside while watching one of the most glorious classical ballets of all time - and yes ... I watched it in bed. Why not!? Watched it on my iPad with Indi the cat curled up by my legs as rain pattered on the roof and wind hurled it at the windows. We were warm and cosy inside. 
OMG the dancing in this ballet was as fragile and utterly beautiful as you'll ever see. It's all about broken hearts and as ethereal as a ballet can be. Backdrop - hazy full moon. 
Gillian Murphy as Giselle was astounding - it was like she really was in the spirit world, her dancing so light that it was hard to believe a human being was undertaking those steps. Sent shivers down my spine. 
Qi Huan as Albrecht danced with such emotion as to make your hairs stand on end. And those leaps ... there are no words. It was classical ballet at it's purest and highest heights of utter bestness. 
Simply superb. Thanks RNZB.

I made a batch of scones, which we devoured.
Then I read the Sunday papers. Did some puzzles. Brett had a snooze.
I did some work, completed a project.
Had a Zoom meeting re the racing industry - interesting ever-changing times. 
And then it was time for our Sunday catch up with friends - this has become a ritual every Sunday evening during lockdown. Fun.

Dinner, tv, relax. 
Chat to Lyn in UK. 
A bit more work and blog writing.
And off to bed as the rain and wind continued to hurl around outside. 
One of those inside days that was as good as it gets. 

LUNCH: Scones
DINNER: Chinese Pork ribs with hoisin sauce, roast veges, corn cob. Yummy.

No beach walk today. 
But here are some photos of the trip I led in Queensland, Aug 2018. Brisbane up to Port Douglas. Superb scenery and Oz wildlife. Pelicans, koalas, butterflies, Barrier Reef, cityscape, rural hills. 

Northern Queensland has never been high on my radar of destinations, but I absolutely loved it. I had a great group on this trip, although quite a few challenges to deal with inc two in hospital so had my work cut out. Memorable in a zillion ways. So many laughs. So many sights. And perfect weather. 




Let's talk briefly about China ...

There's a distinction that needs to be made - China, it's land and everyday people are not the same as the Chinese Communist Party, a controlling conglomerate that wants its own way. The lines here should not be blurred. What we must be wary of is the latter, not the former. 

It seems China has tried it on with just about everyone, concentrating on where it has traction. Isn't this what the conman or predator does in an everyday world, surreptitiously seeking and gaining trust and then honing in and taking what they can. And often getting away with it. 
Africa is a worry, China are in there, boots and all. 
UK is thankfully rethinking the Huawei 5G agreement.

NZ needs to take care and not be taken in by the lure of prosperity and a hand-up by a nation that ultimately wants its own way.

Again, consider the distinction between a political regime at work, and everyday people and a lovely land. This is a strict communist party we're dealing with. I've had experience ... 

Alas NZ has already been taken in by China, under the proviso of its value to us in economic terms. 

Reality is, we hopped quickly into bed with a supposed bigwig mover/shaker who could boost our prospects, without checking their credentials or if there were condoms. 
We got lured by the nasty stranger with sweets and we took their hand like a naive little child in the hope of great things. 
Nothing good comes of such things. 

We've lost ourselves a bit I think. 
Which is exactly what China (the predator) is relishing - confusion, bamboozling, back-foot stuff.
This is not conspiracy theorism - it's observance of what's really going on. How is this not visible to all? Open thine eyes NZ, please! 

The mega issue is around China's desire and ability to gain control of the resources of the world. 
Do not under-estimate their resolve and ability to do it. They're well on their way ... 

Meanwhile back in NZ ...

National leader Simon Bridges got rolled by Todd Muller, who came out of nowhere. No one knew his name one day, and "nek minnit" he's leader of the opposition!
He seems affable enough and can handle what the media has thrown at him so far, but mostly it's just a couple of toes being dipped in the water stuff. Playing with the shallows. We have yet to see the depth.
He says he will be Minister of Small Business which is great in economic terms for SMEs. 
But, very worryingly, he is anti abortion, anti euthanasia. This is not good for social progress.
And he wants to get back into that bed with China. Let's hope he has triple layer condoms. And is wary of strangers with sweets.


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