Day Thirty-Two - Writing, sister countries, waxing moon and highwire walking

A leisurely morning - did the bumper Herald quiz with Brett by phone which amused us for half an hour or so. We did well.

Glorious day but mostly spent at my computer. I've spent most of every day of lockdown sitting on a dining room chair (it's comfy enough) at the dining room table working on a laptop in one way or another.
This project, that work deadline; this Zoom catchup, that Teams gathering; this email trail, that google research; this leisure moment, that horserace; this joke, that serious document. All good, but I don't want to even think about how many hours I've spent sitting in that chair over the past four weeks.

Michael and I went for a walk to the beach later in the afternoon. Pleasant and chilled. With his fully grown Covid days mo, I suggested that if he donned walk shorts, walk socks, a short-sleeved polyester shirt and thick tie, he would resemble some of my work colleagues from the 70s/early 80s. Definitely time for the mo to go he decided. And as for those walk shorts and socks - WTF?

Omaha Beach photo of the day - Michael and Mo

I rewrote some more chapters of my book today, mostly minor tweaks but significant in that I've changed the tense to present rather than past. But I'm generally happy with the storyline and what I wrote almost 20 years ago. My writing craft, naturally, has developed hugely over those years (done a lot of it!) and even though I've done some editing on parts of this book at times, I'm still a little surprised that I'm not finding it dated and rudimentary. On the contrary, I'm loving revisiting the story and characters. It's taking me off into that world again ...

The strange thing is, the more I get into it, the more I realise how alarmingly aligned and relevant the concept is with what's going on today. Let's see where it all goes but as mentioned, I've got a feeling I was ahead of my time with this concept when I wrote it back in 2000s.

I've emailed Jacinda to suggest NZ gets going and instigates a Sister Country arrangement as a new global initiative. NZ/Estonia for starters (see post of Day 29). Hell, everyone's been doing the sister city thing for decades but who the hell knows who's aligned with what city? Do you know your sister cities? Hell no.

So let's up the ante, post-Covid, and create a new Sister Country thing, now that countries are understanding themselves and each other more than ever.

Estonia has a young woman President. Kersti Kaljulaid is the first woman and youngest person to hold the position in the country (since 2016). She's 50, has four kids and is youthful grandmother to boot. As already outlined, the country has some forward-thinking policies that are defined as liberal conservative. There's alignment and similar aspirations I think. And I see their stats are pretty good as well.

So that's my proposal. Sent off to Jacinda this afternoon!

Brunch: Avocado on bagels
Dinner: Hickory BBQ pork ribs (courtesy of Beak & Sons, purchased at Matakana 4 Square). They took 10 minutes to heat and about 1 minute to devour. Delicious, and the sauce was perfect. I made a simple lettuce and tomato salad - but to be frank, the ribs were it.

After dinner I had a social catch up with Brett and a group of friends. Took a while to sort the technical issues but we got there in the end, and it was good fun as always.

After that I did yet ANOTHER quiz - fundraiser for Hospice. We did rather poorly but thoroughly enjoyed it. I think there's an element of quizhaustion going on!
Mind you, an entire round about Friends is a nightmare. I never saw an episode as it just never appealed, so I was of no help whatsoever. Greatest sitcom of all time? Not for me. Don't even know the names of the Friends!

Despite a mediocre score, we learnt lots tonight and will be back for another dose of quiz on Tuesday evening.
- the fastest fish is a Sailfish
- a group of toads is a knot
- the sea otter has the thickest fur ...

There was the most spectacular sunset tonight, visible from our back deck. An intense orange that cannot be described.
And then, as that faded, the young moon (a waxing crescent) rose in the sky alongside a very bright Venus. They were close together and looked utterly spectacular hanging in the western sky.
I got the binoculars out and called Michael to take a look see. Even he, who isn't much into skygazing, thought it most impressive. The glow that emanated from that sliver of a moon was amazing.
The night sky is a truly wonderful thing that has entranced me since I was a very young girl. Tonight was no exception. The clarity of light at this time of year is phenomenal. Gosh nature is amazing.

Waxing crescent moon and Venus

Wire walking bonkers!
Today I had some email exchanges with racing friends about tales of time in New York and environs, and pinch-me moments here and there.
Talking about Niagara Falls reminded me of when I was there, on the Canada side, in November 1989 - in the snow. Freezing and amazing.

Which reminded me of Nik Wallenda, wire walker.

He walked across Niagara Falls in 2012 - at night, in darkness and mist with a huge crowd watching from below. Amazing.

Then in 2013 he walked across an area in the Grand Canyon - with no safety net or harness for that one. Madness. I watched it live at the time (gosh, was it that long ago) and I vividly remember feeling physically sick the whole time. It was so windy I was terrified he was going to get blown off and crash and die. But he didn't - although even he doesn't know how. Said it took every ounce of everything to make it to the other side.

In 2014 he walked between two skyscrapers in Chicago - part of it blindfolded!!! What? Why?

In 2017 he and the family troupe were practising a 3-level pyramid walk (8 of them) when they fell. Some clutched the wire, others fell heavily and far down, and were horribly injured, especially his sister who smashed every bone in her face. This did make them question their life's pursuit - a family tradition through generations - but it didn't stop them continuing.

In 2019 Nik and his sister (who'd smashed her face) walked across Times Square between two buildings. There's some amazing and dizzying footage looking down - makes me giddy just thinking about it.

And the madness continued ...
In March this year Nik walked across a volcano in Nicaragua. With a gas mask. Came out sweating but he made it.

One thing leads to another ...
Utter madness, but at the same time, so incredible that humans can do this!

My dining room chair seems very sturdy, comfy and safe by comparison!!


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