Day Thirty-Three - Holiday vibe, no mo, final L4 thoughts

So, after 33 days, this is New Zealand's last day of Level 4 lockdown.
Level 3 isn't going to be that much different for most, except perhaps in mindset, but I suspect the takeaway outfits are going to be inundated. And small businesses will be happy. Unless you're in the travel/tourism game (that's me).

Funnily enough, despite being at the beach house, today is the only day of lockdown that Michael and I acknowledged we actually felt like we were on holiday! Generally it's been BAU.
However, today we didn't have our entire focus on work (although we still both did some work). I spent an hour completing a tricky contract job and had a few phone calls about some other voluntary work stuff, but otherwise largely stayed away from my computer for the first day since lockdown. All other days, we've both been working across from each other at the dining room table all ... day ... long.
Personally, I've loved being able to be so productive - no distractions and full focus. There's a simplicity and calmness up here that isn't there at home in Auckland and I'm progressing projects that have been dormant for far too damn long. I'm also framing up some new ones. So I aim to stay up here until probably the end of the week to keep at it and make more headway.

Omaha Beach photo of the day - late afternoon stroll

Michael and I went for a long beach walk this afternoon. Glorious. Lots of people out. Even a few people swimming (hmm, you're actually a day early!)
There was a different vibe today - on the beach, around the pathways, outside the Superette - and I could sense a general air of excitement at Level 4 ending. People are gearing up to a new life - but ultimately, for many, it's the same one.

BTW, Michael's isMOlation mo is gone!

Look - no  mo!

The driftwood sculpture that was on the beach the day we arrived is still there. It has a few embellishments and has stood the test of lockdown.

I have to say, today was possibly the best weather yet - warm, bright and with little wind. What a splendid way to end full-on L4 lockdown. We've had just one miserable "inside" day in the whole five weeks.

Michael cleaned the interior of his car - it took him quite some time and he did admit that's because it needed a substantial amount of TLC. I baked some bread. I'm really not much of a baker, but it turned out pretty good, so when his car cleaning mission was complete, we had a few slices. Is there anything better than melting butter on warm bread straight from the oven!?

Brunch: bagels - I had cream cheese and leftover caramalised aubergine on mine - a yummy flavour combo; Michael had teriyaki chicken and salad.
Dinner: kiwiburgers with wedges. Alas, we couldn't find any burger buns so had to use long rolls instead. So I had to shape my burger patties to be elongated, and make sure the fried eggs were elongated too. It was all fine, but the narrowness of a long roll isn't conducive to keeping burger contents contained very well. Tasty, all the same.

Twilight was lovely - although nothing like as special as yesterday.
But as the pinky/blue fresco sky developed, and the crescent moon poked through, I was mesmerised. Oh those pastel colours - divine ... especially with wine, cool music and your 23yo son sitting with you!

I've posted a post here every day. I love to write, and I'll continue to do so right through the levels.
Tomorrow is another day - and it's the first day of Level 3. Let's hope we keep going in the right direction ...

Final L4 thoughts ...
This evening Michael and I sat out on the deck, having a drink and a chat. It's been wonderful to spend time together without distraction - although he is hankering to get back into golf and various boy activities. We both agreed that when parties can happen - they will go off!
(BTW my birthday falls on a Full Moon! Party time!)

We did put the heater on at some point as the evening chill hit. It's the first time in five weeks we've sat out there in the evening. I guess it was something to do with the fact our time together in lockdown is coming to an end and also that we had an easy non-worky day today.

We both agreed we've actually been privileged to spend our lockdown here at Omaha, and both acknowledged it's been pretty much a chilled and gently productive experience throughout. Easy on all counts.
We've eaten well, got on with our work, not got under each other's feet, had quite a lot of laughs, listened to great music ... and only had a couple of spats!

He'll head back to Auckland tomorrow - with the aim of moving into the flat he should have moved into the weekend after lockdown. I think he'll miss his mother's meals ... but, at the same time, he's very capable of cooking jolly good ones himself.

The next phase begins ...


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